Florida: The Last Stand

On July 17th and 18th, 2004, top players came together in Gainesville for Brian Graham, known to many as Mummy-B on SRK. This was planned as his last tournament for a while, with the vision that he would take our tapes with him to Hawaii for editing, something to concretely remind him of his friends every day as he worked through chemo.

Unfortunately, we can not easily control when we or our friends will leave this world.
On August 25th, Brian passed away from his cancer. Over 500 of us expressed their hope for his eternal peace in a thread on SRK. He was a great guy to everyone who got a chance to know him.

A lot of us thought that our friends would live forever. This past year has exposed our mortality. We lost Brian, we lost Will, friends moved away and the world continued changing. Change is of course the one constant here in our time on Earth.

These videos are dedicated to Brian Graham, who helped bring us closer together.

CvS2 Final 8 footage
* Eddie (K) vs Carlos (2W K)
* Parker (W A) vs Alex (2W A)
* Parker (W A) vs Eddie (2W K)
* Rick (W A) vs Carlos (2W A)
* Shafted! (A) vs Spyde (2W K)   (Note that the player labels on this during playback are switched, sorry.)
* Shinma_sama (2W A) vs RandomNigga (W C)
* JWong (2W K) vs Carlos (K)
* WF JWong (3W C) vs Alex (A)
* LF Carlos vs Alex (2W A)
* GF JWong (4W C) vs Alex (W A)

MvC2 Final 8 footage
* Isaac (W MSP) vs Eder (2W StormSentCable)
* Mixup (W MSP) vs JMar (2W MSS)   This is a must-see video.
* Mixup (W MST) vs Eder (2W MSP)
* Sentinaaal (2W StormSentCapCom) vs Eder
* Sentinaaal vs JWong (2W CableSentCapCom)
* Vegita-X (W RogueStormTron) vs Sentinaaal (2W SentStormCyke)
* X (SentStormCyke) vs Vegita-X (2W RogueStormTron)
* WF JWong (3W MSP) vs JMar (MSS)
* LF Sentinaaal (StormSentCapCom) vs JMar (3W MSS)
* GF JWong (4W MSP) vs JMar (MSS)

MvC2 Tourney Matches
* 5i1 Luke (IronManSentCable) vs Eder (W StormCableTron)
* 5i2 Luke (IronManSentCable) vs Eder (W StormCableTron)
* 5j1 Roy (StormSentCapCom) vs AsnDmn (W MSTron)
* 5j2 Roy (StormSentCyke) vs AsnDmn (W MSTron)
* 5k Isaac (W MSP) vs Parker (StormSentCyke)
* 5l1 Preppy (MagCableTron) vs Lugo (W CableStormCyke)
* 5l2 Preppy (W MagCableTron) vs Lugo (CableStormCyke)
* 5l3 Preppy (MagCableTron) vs Lugo (W CableStormCyke)
* 5n MichaelD (W CableSentCapCom) vs Blaziniflo (CableSentCapCom)
* 5o1 Ozzie (MSP) vs JWong (W MSP)
* 5o2 Ozzie (BHSentCapCom) vs JWong (W MSP)
* 5p1 Sentinaaaal (StormSentCyke) vs AsnDmn (W MagCableCapCom)
* 5p2 Sentinaaaal (W StormSentCapCom) vs AsnDmn (MagCableCapCom)
* 5q1 Eric Johnson (MSS) vs X (W SentStormCyke)
* 5q2 Eric Johnson (MSS) vs X (W SentStormCyke)
* 5r Garvin (StormSentCyke) vs JMar (W MSS)
* 6a Eric J (StormSentCapCom) vs AsnDmn (W MSS)
* 6b Adam (W SentCableCapCom) vs Ozzie (StormSentCapCom)
* 6c1 Parker (W DoomSentCyke) vs Garvin (StormSentCyke)
* 6c2 Parker (DoomSentCyke) vs Garvin (W SentStormCapCom)
* 6c3 Parker (DoomSentCyke) vs Garvin (W SentStormCapCom)
* 6d1 Blaziniflo (SentStormCapCom) vs Xander (W MagCableSent)
* 6d2 Blaziniflo (SentStormCapCom) vs Xander (W MagCableSent)
* 6e JMar (W MSS) vs Vegita-X (RogueStormTron)
* 6f Sentinaaal (StormSentCyke) vs Isaac (MSP)
* 6g1 X (W SentStormCyke) vs Mixup (MSTron)
* 6g2 X (SentStormCyke) vs Mixup (W MSTron)
* 6h1 Isaac (W MSP) vs Eric J (SentStormCyke)
* 6h2 Isaac (MSP) vs Eric J (W MSP)
* 6h3 Isaac (W MSP) vs Eric J (MSP)
* 6i Xander (MagCableSent) vs Vegita-X (W RogueStormTron)
* 6j Eder (W StormCableTron) vs Roy (CableSentCyke)
MvC2 Team Tourney
* 3g1 TT Blaziniflo (StormSentCapCom) vs Mixup (W MST)
* 3g2 TT Isaac (W MSP) vs Mixup (MST)
* 3g3 TT Isaac (W MSP) vs Mo (MST)
* 3g4 TT Isaac (W MSP) vs DBS (SentStormCyke)
* 3h2 TT JMar (Perfect W MSS) vs Casey (SentCableCapCom)
* 3h3 TT JMar (W MSS) vs Rowell (MagCableSent)
* 3i2 TT Sentinaaaal (W SentStormCapCom) vs Casey (CableSentCapCom)
* 3i3 TT Sentinaaaal (W SentStormCapCom) vs Rowell (MagCableSent)
* 3m1 TT Blaziniflo (W CableSentCapCom) vs BshidoHEAT (DoomStormSent)
* 3m2 TT Blaziniflo (W CableSentCapCom) vs Ozzie (CableSentCapCom)
* 4a TT xxx (W CableSentCapCom) vs xxx (StormSentCapCom)
* 4b1 TT BushidoHeat (StormSentDoom) vs Mixup (W SentStormCapCom)
* 4b2 TT Ozzie (SentStormCapCom) vs Mixup (W SentStormCapCom)
* 4b3 TT Garvin (SentStormCapCom) vs Mixup (W SentStormCapCom)
* 4c1 TT Blaziniflo (W CableSentCapCom) vs Roy (StormSentCapCom)
* 4c2 TT Blaziniflo (W CableSentCapCom) vs Parker (DoomSentCyke)
* 4c3 TT Blaziniflo (W CableSentCapCom) vs Xander (MagCableSent)
* 4d1 TT JMar (MagStormSent) vs Mixup (W MagStormTron)
* 4d2 TT X (W SentStormCapCom) vs Mixup (MagStormTron)
* 4d3 TT X (W SentStormCapCom) vs Mo (MagStormTron)
* 4d4 TT X (W SentStormCapCom) vs DBS (MagStormSent)
* 4e1 TT JWong (W MSP) vs Isaac (MSP)
* 4e2 TT JWong (Minty W MSP) vs Blaziniflo (SentStormCapCom)
* 4e3 TT JWong (W MSP) vs Sentinaaaal (StormSentCapCom)
* 4g TT GF 1of6 JWong (W MSP) vs Isaac (MSP)
* 4g TT GF 2of6 JWong (W MSP) vs Sentinaaaal (StormSentCapCom)
* 4g TT GF 3of6 JWong (TRL W MSP) vs Blaziniflo (SentStormCapCom)
* 4g TT GF 4of6 JWong (W MSP) vs Isaac (MSP)
* 4g TT GF 5of6 JWong (W MSP) vs Sentinaaaal (StormSentCapCom)
* 4g TT GF 6of6 JWong (Perfect W MSP) vs Blaziniflo (StormSentCapCom)
MvC2 Money Matches
* 7a1 5 dollar match Vegita-X (RogueStormTron) vs X (W SentStormCyke)
* 7a2 5 dollar match Vegita-X (W RogueStormTron) vs X (SentStormCyke)
* 7a3 5 dollar match Vegita-X (RogueStormTron) vs X (W SentStormCyke)
* 7b1 5 dollar match Vegita-X (W RogueStormTron) vs X (SentStormCyke)
* 7b2 5 dollar match Vegita-X (RogueStormTron) vs X (W SentStormCyke)
* 7b3 5 dollar match Vegita-X (W RogueStormTron) vs X (SentStormCyke)
* 7c1 5 dollar match Vegita-X (RogueStormTron) vs X (W SentStormCyke)
* 7c2 5 dollar match Vegita-X (RogueStormTron) vs X (W SentStormCyke)
* 7i1 2 dollar match Mixup (W MSCyke) vs Adam (StormSentCyke)
* 7i2 2 dollar match Mixup (W MSCyke) vs Adam (SentStormCapCom)
* 7k1 2 dollar match Isaac (BHSentTron) vs X (W MSCyke)
* 7k2 2 dollar match Isaac (BHSentTron) vs X (W MSCyke)
* 7l1 1 dollar match each Isaac (W BHSentTron) vs Blaziniflo (MSP)
* 7l2 1 dollar match each Isaac (BHSentTron) vs Blaziniflo (W MagCableCyke)
* 7l3 1 dollar match each Isaac (W BHSentTron) vs Blaziniflo (MagCableCyke)
* 7l4 1 dollar match each Isaac (BHSentTron) vs Blaziniflo (W MagCableCyke)
* 7m1 1 dollar match each Isaac (W BHSentTron) vs Moh (MagCableDoom)
* 7m2 1 dollar match each Isaac (W BHSentTron) vs Moh (MagCableDoom)
* 7m3 1 dollar match each Isaac (W BHSentTron) vs Moh (MagCableCyke)
* 7n 1 dollar match Isaac (BHSentTron) vs JWong (W MSP)
Bonus CvS2 tourney matches
* 1a1 CvS2 JWong (W K) vs TJ Oh (C)
* 1a2 CvS2 JWong (W K) vs TJ Oh (C)
* 1b1 CvS2 Nippon (W C) vs Soulblade136 (A)
* 1b2 CvS2 Nippon (C) vs Soulblade136 (W K)
* 1b3 CvS2 Nippon (A) vs Soulblade136 (W K)
* 1c1 CvS2 Anthony (C) vs Parker (W A)
* 1c2 CvS2 Anthony (C) vs Parker (W A)
* Unsure 1 (W C) vs Unsure 2 (A)
* Unsure 3 (A) vs Unsure 4 (W P)
* Unsure 5 (W A) vs Unsure 6 (S)
* Unsure 7 (C) vs Unsure 8 (W A)
MvC2 casual
* Isaac (MSP) vs Moh (W MST) casual
* Isaac (W MSP) vs Moh (MSDoom) casual
* 1d casual JWong (W MarrowGuileTron) vs Alex (BHCableCyke)
* 1e casual JWong (CammyCharlieGuile) vs xxx (W IronManSentCable)
* 1f1 casual JWong (W MagHulkCapCom) vs Devan (BBHoodIronManDoom)
* 1f2 casual JWong (W MagHulkCapCom) vs Devan (IronManMagPsy)
* 1g1 casual JWong (W MagCableJuggy) vs Garvin (StormSentCyke)
* 1g2 casual JWong (W MagSentAnakaris) vs Garvin (StormSentCammy)
* 1h1 casual JWong (W SentStriderDoom) vs BshidoHEAT (MSDhalsim)
* 1h2 casual JWong (W JillStormTron) vs BshidoHEAT (MSJuggy)
* 1i2 casual JWong (W CammyCykeDoom) vs Casey (SentCableCammy)
* 1i2 casual JWong (W SakuraMorriganTron) vs Casey (CableSentCapCom)
* 1j1 casual JWong (W SilSamCykeDoom) vs xxx (ORedCammyIronMan)
* 1j2 casual JWong (W CammyGuileCharlie) vs xxx (GuileCammyORed)
* 1k1 casual JWong (W CammyORedDoom) vs Will (ServbotCptAmericaJill)
* 1k2 casual JWong (W SonsonAmingoCapCom) vs Will (CableSentSonson
* 1l casual JWong (W ColossusGuileTron) vs BshidoHEAT (MSSonson)
* 1m1 casual BshidoHEAT (IronManWolvieDhalsim) vs TJ (W CammyAmingoTron)
* 1m2 casual BshidoHEAT (CptAmericaCykeGuile) vs TJ (W CammyAmingo
* 2a casual Mixup (W SentStormCapCom) vs xxx (SentMagCable)
* 2b1 casual Mixup (W SentStormCapCom) vs xxx (MagSentPsy)
* 2b2 casual Mixup (W SentStormCapCom) vs xxx (MagSentPsy)
* 2c1 casual Mixup (W MST) vs Rowell (MagCableSent)
* 2c2 casual Mixup (W MST) vs Rowell (MagCableSent)
* 2d1 casual Mixup (W MagCableSent) vs Devaan (MSP)
* 2d2 casual Devaam (MSP) vs Mixup (MagCableSent)
* 2e casual Jason (W SentMagCable) vs JWong (MagCableSent)
* 2f1 casual Jason (W MagSentCable) vs JWong (CykeGambitMorrigan)
* 2f2 casual Jason (MagSentCable) vs JWong (W CykeGambitMorrigan)
* 2f3 casual Jason (CableSentMag) vs JWong (W CykeGambitMorrigan)
* 2f4 casual Jason (SentMagCable) vs JWong (W CykeGambitMorrigan)
* 2g casual Rowell (MagCableSent) vs JWong (W MSS)
* 2h casual Carlos (W MSP) vs Rowell (StormCableCyke)
* 2i casual Rowell (W MagCableSent) vs Devaan (MSP)
* 2j casual Rowell (MSP) vs Dareen (W SentCableCapCom)
* 2k1 casual Isaac (BHSentTron) vs JMar (W MSP)
* 2k2 casual Isaac (BHSentTron) vs JMar (W MSP)
* 2k3 casual Isaac (BHSentTron) vs JMar (W MSP)
* 2l1 casual Sentinaaaaal (BHSentTron) vs JMar (W MSP)
* 2l2 casual Sentinaaaaal (MagCablePsy) vs JMar (W MSP)
* 2m casual Isaac (MSP) vs Xander (W MagCableSent)
* 2n1 casual Isaac (W MSP) vs Devaan (MSP)
* 2n2 casual Isaac (W MSP) vs Devaan (MSP)
* 2o casual Isaac (W MSP) vs Marin (SentMagPsy)
* 2p casual Garvin (W SentStormCapCom) vs Roy (SentStormCapCom)
* 2q1 casual Garvin (W StormSentCyke) vs JMar (MSP)
* 2q2 casual Garvin (SentStormCyke) vs JMar (W StormSentCyke)
* 2q3 casual Garvin (SentStormCapCom) vs JMar (W StormSentCyke)
* 2r1 casual Mixup (W SentStormCapCom) vs JMar (MSS)
* 2r2 casual Mixup (W SentStormCapCom) vs JMar (MSS)
* 3a1 casual Mixup (W SentStormCapCom) vs Isaac (MSP)
* 3a2 casual Mixup (W SentStormCapCom) vs Isaac (MSP)
* 3b1 casual Mixup (W MST) vs X (CableSentCapCom)
* 3b2 casual Mixup (W MST) vs X (CableSentCapCom)
* 3c1 casual Mixup (W SentStormCapCom) vs Mo (MST)
* 3c2 casual Mixup (W SentStormCapCom) vs Mo (MSDoom)
* 3d1 casual Mixup (W SentStormCapCom) vs Garvin (SentStormCapCom)
* 3d2 casual Mixup (SentStormCapCom) vs Garvin (W SentStormCapCom)
* 3d3 casual Mixup (W CableSentCapCom) vs Garvin (StormSentCapCom)
* 3e1 casual Mixup (W SentStormCapCom) vs Isaac (MSP)
* 3e2 casual Mixup (W SentStormCapCom) vs Isaac (MSP)
* 3f1 casual Mixup (SentStormCapCom) vs X (W SentStormCapCom)
* 3f2 casual Mixup (W MST) vs X (SentStormCapCom)
* 3f3 casual Mixup (W MST) vs X (SentStormCapCom)
* 3j1 casual JWong (W CykeGambitMorrigan) vs Parker (SentStormCapCom)
* 3j2 casual JWong (CykeGambitMorrigan) vs Parker (W DoomSentCyke)
* 3k1 casual X (W SentCykeMag) vs Parker (DoomSentCyke)
* 3k2 casual X (SentCykeMag) vs Parker (W MagCableSent)
* 3l casual JMar (W MSS) vs xxx (MagCableSent)
* 4f1 casual JWong (W MorriganGambitCyke) vs Parker (DoomSentCyke)
* 4f2 casual JWong (W MorriganGambitCyke) vs Parker (DoomSentCyke)
* 4h1 casual X (W SentStormCapCom) vs Alan (MagCableCapCom)
* 4h2 casual X (W SentStormCapCom) vs Alan (StormSentCapCom)
* 4i1 casual X (W SentStormCapCom) vs Eder (StormStriderDoom)
* 4i2 casual X (W SentStormCapCom) vs Eder (MSP)
* 4j1 casual JWong (W MSS) vs Luke (IronManSentCable)
* 4j2 casual JWong (W IronManStormCable) vs Luke (IronManSentCable)
* 4k1 casual JWong (W MagCableSent) vs Stan (StormTronMag)
* 4k2 casual JWong (W MagCableSent) vs Stan (StormTronMag)
* 4l1 JWong (W MagCableSent) vs Garvin (MSP)
* 4l2 casual JWong (W MagCableSent) vs Garvin (StormSentCyke)
* 4m casual JWong (W MSP) vs BshidoHEAT (MSJuggy)
* 5a casual X (W MSP) vs BshidoHEAT (MSP)
* 5b casual OmegaRoy (ORedStormSent) vs Vegita-X (W RogueStormTron)
* 5c1 casual Moh (MSTron) vs Vegita-X (W RogueStormTron)
* 5c2 casual Moh (MSDoom) vs Vegita-X (W RogueStormTron)
* 5d1 casual Michael (MagIMSent) vs Vegita-X (W RogueStormTron)
* 5d2 casual Michael (CableSentCCm) vs Vegita-X (W RogueStormTron)
* 5e1 casual Roy (ORedStormSent) vs Vegita-X (W RogueStormTron)
* 5e2 casual Roy (W ORedStormSent) vs Vegita-X (RogueStormTron)
* 5e3 casual Roy (ORedStormSent) vs Vegita-X (W RogueStormTron)
* 5f casual Moh (MSDoom) vs Vegita-X (W RogueStormTron)
* 5g1 casual Sentinaaaal (W MagCableDoom) vs Vegita-X (RogueStormTron)
* 5g2 casual Sentinaaaal (MagCableDoom) vs Vegita-X (W RogueStormTron)
* 5g3 casual Sentinaaaal (MagCableDoom) vs Vegita-X (W RogueStormTron)
* 5h casual Preppy (MagCableTron) vs Vegita-X (W MSDoom)
* 7d casual Eder (MSP) vs AsnMdn (W MSP)
* 7e casual Sentinaaaal (MSP) vs AsnDmn (W MSP)
* 7f1 casual Mixup (W SentStormCapCom) vs JMar (MSS)
* 7f2 casual Mixup (W SentStormCapCom) vs JMar (MSS)
* 7g1 casual Mixup (SentStormCapCom) vs AsnDmn (W MSP)
* 7g2 casual Mixup (W SentStormCapCom) vs AsnDmn (MSP)
* 7g3 casual Mixup (W SentStormCapCom) vs AsnDmn (MSP)
* 7h1 casual Mixup (W MSP) vs Vegita-X (RogueStormTron)
* 7h2 casual Mixup (W MSP) vs Vegita-X (RogueStormTron)
* 7j1 casual Vegita-X (RogueStormTron) vs Adam (W SentStormCyke)
* 7j2 casual Vegita-X (W RogueStormTron) vs Adam (SentStormCyke)
* 7j3 casual Vegita-X (W RogueStormTron) vs Adam (SentStormCyke)
* 7j4 casual Vegita-X (RogueStormTron) vs Adam (W SentStormCyke)